Drinking rum is the paragon of happiness. This sugar-blessed potion comes in a prismatic spray of variety that has prompted more grail-like quests to hunt down rare bottles than than any other spirit. There are over 175 different rums available in the U.S. alone, and that’s ignoring all the bubblegum and foie gras-flavored (yes please) […]
Remixed: Martian Time-Slip
Taking a page from one of my favorite food blogs, Momofuku for 2, I’ll occasionally be posting variations on the recipes found within Beachbum Berry Remixed. Doing so will help me use up ingredients before they go bad (like fruit nectar from a stupid can) and to stretch the world of tiki in ways it […]
Filed in: Beachbum Berry Remixed Cocktail Recipes
Remixed: Astro Aku Aku
In case you didn’t catch my last post, I’m blogging my way through Beachbum Berry Remixed. This kraken-filled quest will surely reef half my warships and turn even the stoutest of crewmates into amorphous blobs of rum and falernum by journey’s end… but every look into my spyglass reveals a horizon filled with tiki pleasure, […]
Filed in: Beachbum Berry Remixed Cocktail Recipes
The Perfect Orgeat Syrup Recipe
Since I last wrote about how to make orgeat syrup my coffers have been oozing with the stuff. It was a good product, completely functional, and better than anything you could buy. But it had two faults: It was annoying as hell to make. The almond flavor just wasn’t punchy enough. The old recipe had […]
Filed in: Cocktail Recipes
Thursday Drink Night Anniversary!
A year ago, this week, the revelry began. And if my sundial displays truth, the Mixoloseum has hosted 50 Thursday Drink Nights since that first mixological day. In that time, cocktail enthusiasts, writers, and bartenders have created over 500 original cocktails using everything from Fernet Branca to buttermilk. Guests who once came in fear of […]
Filed in: Cocktail Recipes Thursday Drink Night
Original Herb and Bitters Cocktails
Upcoming TDN – Sherry Sherry is one ingredient we have yet to explore for Thursday Drink Night, perhaps because it rarely finds its way into modern cocktails. Sure, dig up some dusty old tomes and you’ll be drowned in it, but what about some new potions? Join us for this week’s TDN ( What’s Thursday […]
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Equal Proportion Potions
Upcoming TDN – Beat the Heat For some folks on the west coast, the heat has been sweltering. Not unlike a deep-fried bowl of crisp pig ears. No, wait – wrong kind of hot. The sun has been beating down on our whining PNW brethren like Thor’s Wondrich’s Hammer on a block of ice. And […]
Filed in: Cocktail Recipes Thursday Drink Night
Original New Orleans Cocktails
Upcoming TDN – Cleaning House How many bottles in your liquor cabinet have less than 2oz of booze left in them? Yeah, thought so. Whether sad and forlorn or saved for those extra-special last few drops, those bottles have a destiny to meet this Thursday. And they won’t be the only players – get out […]
Filed in: Cocktail Recipes Thursday Drink Night
Jasper’s Rum Punch
The deluxe revised edition of Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails arrived in the mail today. Why it’s exciting: Lots of new recipes I’ve never heard of An entire section on cocktail bloggers (KP and a host of CSOWG members included) The unadulterated panache you expect from Dr. Cocktail, which means loads of new history and […]
Filed in: Cocktail Recipes
Original Martin Miller’s Gin Cocktails
Upcoming TDN – Bad Names Scour the internets and you’ll find cocktails of every sort; few will prance around like sexy beasts of palate-quenching, while most are hellish abominations of deceit and despair. Kind of like guitar tabs. There is also no shortage of awful, offensive names for drinks, often shots served in college towns […]
Filed in: Cocktail Recipes Thursday Drink Night