I’m going to go out on a limb here and wager that when you open your liquor cabinet, you have trouble deciding what to make. However, the problem lies not in the lack of options, but the sheer abundance of them. Should you use the Aperol or Campari? What one of ten gins should go […]
Archive for August, 2008
Recipe Comparison – Scorpion Bowl
After completing this recipe comparison, I have come to many conclusions, but there is one that is indisputable. I will -never- get scurvy. The Joy of Mixology 2oz light rum (used Cruzan) 1/2oz brandy (used Salignac) 2oz orange juice 3/4oz lemon juice 1/2oz orgeat (used homemade) 1/2oz 151-proof rum (used Lemon Hart) Shake with ice […]
Filed in: Cocktail Recipes Tiki