Archive for May 26th, 2006



Arrrrrr!, Demerara rum. Such a lovely lass ye’are. I been questin’ for ye some time now, and I have finally found me cap’ns treasure! A famous French pirate captain that is, and a monk too. Eustace the Monk was his name. He actually was a land-lovin’ monk in a Benedictine monastery as a lad, and […]

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Filed in: Tiki



Kaiser Penguin is a cocktail blog featuring original recipes, homemade ingredients, classic cocktails, and tiki drinks.

Why on Earth did you name your blog “Kaiser Penguin?”

It is a well-known fact that penguins are members of high society and enjoy fine cocktails. Our very own kaiser penguin would like me to mention that he also enjoys various treats from the sea.
