Archive for April, 2008


Tales of the Cocktail Tickets

Tickets are now available for Tales of the Cocktail, and most importantly for me, the spirited dinners. I dashed to the site and saw with glee that I was the first to sign up for a tiki-infused dinner hosted by Beachbum Berry and Wayne Curtis at the Delachaise. Chef Chris Debarr performed like a wizard […]

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Filed in: Tales of the Cocktail


Reverse Engineering: Kamehameha’s Mighty Punch

I recently returned from a tour of the Hawaiian islands as part of my responsibilities as KaiserPenguin’s West Coast Correspondent. Among the most intriguing cocktails I encountered in my travels was this gem, known as King’s Mighty Punch, at Hilo’s Cafe Pesto on the big island. When I requested the recipe, the bartender supplied it […]

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Filed in: Cocktail Recipes Tiki


House Brands

Mix together Sazerac 18-year old rye whiskey, Carpano Antica, and Fee’s Barrel-aged Bitters and you have one of the best Manhattan’s ever conceived. But if any of you are like me, such elixirs are saved for special occasions. Now whip up one with Old Overholt, Martini and Rossi, and Fee’s regular aromatic bitters. Is it […]

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Filed in: Uncategorized



Kaiser Penguin is a cocktail blog featuring original recipes, homemade ingredients, classic cocktails, and tiki drinks.

Why on Earth did you name your blog “Kaiser Penguin?”

It is a well-known fact that penguins are members of high society and enjoy fine cocktails. Our very own kaiser penguin would like me to mention that he also enjoys various treats from the sea.
