Arrrrrr!, Demerara rum. Such a lovely lass ye’are. I been questin’ for ye some time now, and I have finally found me cap’ns treasure! A famous French pirate captain that is, and a monk too. Eustace the Monk was his name. He actually was a land-lovin’ monk in a Benedictine monastery as a lad, and apparently the name stuck. Though his life’s deeds may not have fit with his monastic teachings, he was a fine pirate. Though… he has not a pinch to do with this here fine cocktail. So, on with the drink ye useless bilge rats!
- 3oz orange juice
- 2oz lemon juice
- 1oz passion fruit syrup
- 3/4oz simple syrup
- 1/2t vanilla extract
- 2oz dark Jamaican rum
- 1 1/2oz Demerara rum
- 1oz light Puerto Rican rum
Blend with 2 1/2c crushed ice.
Source: Grog Log, Jeff Berry
The vanilla flavor really carries this drink, so if you have a bottle of good stuff sitting around, make sure to use it. As with many other tiki drinks in Berry’s arsenal, the specific quantities of various fruit juices and rums match perfectly. The Demerara really comes through too, but Berry says it best, “Demerara rum is the secret ingredient in most truly memorable tropical drinks…” I couldn’t agree more.
I have no idea what type of flower it is that I let live in my spindrift, but it looked fun. Maybe someone out there can fill me in. I sure hope it not be as deadly as me hook hand.
12 Responses to “Spindrift”
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That looks sooooo good… really, that is a great photo, and it sounds like a great drink. Fantastic! Thanks for sharing that one. Do you make all these photos, by the way? They are great. Cheers.
Thank you kindly Jimmy. The Spindrift is, indeed, a tasty tiki drink. I do all the photography myself – it’s one of my favorite parts of putting together a post for Kaiser Penguin.
I was initially thinking the flower might be some sort of clematis; but, examining it closer, I think maybe not.
Did you pluck it from a plant? Leaves or what the plant looked like, would help to identify.
Tasty sounding cocktail, though.
I’ve found it tough to find Demerara rum, is there a particular one you recommend I look for?
I plucked the flower from a vine that’s growing around our trellis. I can provide a picture if you think it would help.
Demerara rum is nigh impossible to find. You can order it from Hi Time Wine if you’re in a state that allows importing of spirits. I have not tried any other brand except for Lemon Hart, but from what I read, it’s the best out there.
The photos are great. Do you have a meta-photo of your photo set up? Do you have a lightbox or something to get the lighting so nice and soft? The photos make me thirsty!
If it’s a vine, it probably is some sort of clematis. My best guess is one of the varieties called ‘multi-blue’ and/or ‘multiblue’.
Google “multi-blue clematis” and “clematis poison”.
It is pretty; but, I’d pick another flower for garnish next time.
A couple liquor stores around here carry the Lemon-Hart and I’ve been meaning to pick up a bottle of their overproof, as it is supposed to be just about the only decent 151 rum. Thanks for the tip.
Hi Time does have a nice selection, and I’m in CA, where stores are allowed to ship spirits. Coincidentally, I was actually going to order some stuff from them earlier this month. Unfortunately, they have some sort of temporary problem which prevents them from shipping spirits. They didn’t specify; but, told me to check back in month or two.
I have been informed by my better 1/3 (a term coined by my kind friends about my ripe belly), Gretchen, that they are indeed clematis. Oh, I will die now. Or… I’ll probably use them again as garnish. Thanks for the tip, nevertheless.
Let me know what you think of the Lemon Hart – I just finished enjoying it in a very tasty Noa Noa.
But the use of a poisonous plant for garnish just makes it so much more appropriate as a pirate-type drink, doesn’t it? Very nice picture as usual. Maybe next time you should just use a sprig of Poison Ivy…
“I have been informed by my better 1/3…Gretchen, that they are indeed clematis.”
Oh, man. You didn’t think to ask your wife before you asked the Internet? Where are you sleeping tonight?
As usual, an absolutely gorgeous photo! And the recipe sounds great too…but then again, I’ll drink almost anything containing rum.
Thanks for the kind words, Craig. Yes, the various types of rum seem to keep appearing out of no where and will surely soon consume my entire liquor cabinet.
I keep having to force myself to keep my interest in sipping rums and tasty single malt scotches to a minimum for the benefit of my wallet as well.
hehe – better 1/3rd… How fun to garnish yer pirate drink with a poisonous flower though!